Help me to find the difference in installing splunk for personal purpose and production purpose.
Er, one is for personal use and the other has production data/users?
Kate - what are you trying to do? The guys are right. Do you understand the difference between licence types (although that doesn't necessarily make a difference between personal use and production, but there are limitations to the free license basis for example e.g. no multi logins, or credentials). The approach is the same as Martin says. Biggest difference in production (and I'm guessing you mean professional use) is where your data is coming from, what they are doing with it and for what purpose etc.
I'm sorry, I really can't figure out if there is a specific question here.. martin kinda rounds up the key things in a setup..
Install splunk, set up users, permissions, indexes, inputs, extractions, lookups, dashboards, alerts, ... the list goes on 🙂
Production purpose I mean is nothing but , the one which will be installed in a remote server and employees can access it. So what all installations will be different for a splunk instance for production purpose.