does nothing.
Where are the MD5's?
Vanallp, Thank you for raising. I gave you a call to discuss.
If you have more details, or have any questions, please let me know.
Thanks for pointing this out. I have raised the issue with our web team.
I got 6.3.3 for Linux in tgz & rpm, forwarder for linux, aix and windows. In each case there is a link on the download page to the MD5(s) but it goes nowhere:
(this is a copy of the link)
I’m up and running with all 12 servers on 6.3.2 and I want to run through and document the general procedure for an upgrade in my environment. Verifying the MD5’s will keep infosec happy.
I’m downloading on a win& desktop with current chrome and IE 11, tried from both browsers with same problem.