
Splunk URL is not working

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it's showing that command not found.

0 Karma


Hi @kamal5 ... the system says the command is not found. 

it means, either the command is not found or you typed the command wrong. 

One line reply can not help us to help you.

You should provide mooooore details(with screenshots if possible), the full command of what you ran, etc. 

thanks, happy learning splunk. 

0 Karma


Without seeing your screen I am not sure if you're in the incorrect directory or just don't have Splunk installed yet.  

0 Karma


Come on. Put at least a little bit of effort into your "question". From what you wrote we could as well assume that you haven't even installed your server yet.

We don't know how you installed the server, we don't know how/if you started it, we don't know if/what erors you got. And we don't know what "is not working" means.



Is your Splunk instance up and running?  For example, assuming you are on *nix based on your URL, can you run the following from the /bin directory of the splunk install:

splunk status


What does your output look like? 

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