Can anyone help me to understand more on the new Splunk License Model:
Predictive Pricing
Infrastructure-Based Pricing
Rapid Adoption Packages
I have gone through the Splunk sites, but required some more detailed understanding, if any can help with any url/link please.
Hi ayushchoudhary,
for my knowledge, the difference is that there is no longer the possibility of purchasing a perpetual license but only subscriptions.
This applies to both new purchases and upgrades.
If a customer already has a perpetual license, he can continue to use it and only needs to buy support.
Thus mixed solutions are also possible: a part of the perpetual license with maintenance renewal and a part of upgrade in subscription.
For pricing you can continue to ask to your usual reseller.
About infrastructure based pricing, for my knowledge, the only metric is logs indexing but at https://www.splunk.com/en_us/software/pricing.html you can find more information.
Anyway, my hint is to contact your channel manager that surely is organizing a presentation of new pricing policies, in addirion there a quarterly webinar, organizad by Splunk that describes all.
Hi ayushchoudhary,
for my knowledge, the difference is that there is no longer the possibility of purchasing a perpetual license but only subscriptions.
This applies to both new purchases and upgrades.
If a customer already has a perpetual license, he can continue to use it and only needs to buy support.
Thus mixed solutions are also possible: a part of the perpetual license with maintenance renewal and a part of upgrade in subscription.
For pricing you can continue to ask to your usual reseller.
About infrastructure based pricing, for my knowledge, the only metric is logs indexing but at https://www.splunk.com/en_us/software/pricing.html you can find more information.
Anyway, my hint is to contact your channel manager that surely is organizing a presentation of new pricing policies, in addirion there a quarterly webinar, organizad by Splunk that describes all.
Thanks a lot gcusello