
Splunk DB Connect


Hi All,

I suspect that Splunk DB connect is not configured properly because when i open the app it shows the following message.

The Java Bridge server is not running.

Additional Information

  • OS we are running Splunk on is linux/RHEL 7.4
  • version of Java JRE are you running - I checked on my server using command rpm -q jre .it gives the following message package jre is not installed.
  • Exact version of DB connect- I checked here $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps but couldn't find splunk_app_db_connect but we have installed Splunk DB Connect v1.

Please help me to fix this issue.



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Hi @rahul0gupta , in order to fix this issue you have to install java package(jre or jdk) and properly setup the path.

check the requirements first

In summary, the installation process is:

  1. Download and install the DB Connect app.
  2. Install a JDBC driver for your database. See Install database drivers.
  3. After installing DB Connect and restarting Splunk Enterprise, launch DB Connect.
  4. Create a database identity and set up a database connection.
  5. Create a new database input and use it as a data input in a Splunk Enterprise search

I hope this help you.

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