
Round Splunk License Usage


Hi there,

I perform this search:

index=_internal source=*license_usage.log type=Usage pool="all" earliest=-0h@d | eval GB=b/1024/1024/1024 | stats sum(GB) by pool

The result is a value like 13.456425
I'd like to just have 13 (the exactly amount doesn't matter for me).

How can I realize that?

Thanks in advance

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1 Solution

index=_internal source=*license_usage.log type=Usage pool="all" earliest=-0h@d | eval GB=b/1024/1024/1024 | stats sum(GB) as TotalGB by pool | eval TotalGB=round(TotalGB,0)

View solution in original post


worked great for me, thx!

index=_internal source=*license_usage.log type=Usage pool="all" earliest=-0h@d | eval GB=b/1024/1024/1024 | stats sum(GB) as TotalGB by pool | eval TotalGB=round(TotalGB,0)
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