I'm looking for a way to create a minimal light forwarder installation. What can I remove from the standard Splunk deployment to drastically reduce the disk space? Since all it does it's just forwarding data to the Indexer, I don't understand why the Light Forwarder installation has to be as large as the Indexer installation.
which indexes are ok to delete? Just curious as I am also trying to setup a very minimal installation of Splunk LF as one of my legacy servers CPU and Memory is going nuts...
Let me know more details. Thanks I appreciate the help.
Hi mzorzi,
I reduced my footprint by deleting the demo indexes on the forwarders, limiting the log size and log indexes and removing some of the apps, (gettingsstarted, sample app).
appender.A1.maxFileSize=50000000 (used to be 25 MB)
appender.A1.maxBackupIndex=1 (used to be 5)
appender.A1.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{%m-%d-%Y %H:%M:%S.%l} %-5p %c - %m%n