Hi All, want to know the status on usage of particular app ,as we are seeing app being deprecated ,is there any alternate app/addon in leveraging the same functionality.
Current App stopped working
Hey @tejasode ,
Not sure why you mention the app to be archived. I see that the app is available for use and download as well. Additionally, the similar inputs can also be found in Microsoft Azure Add-on for Splunk ( There are a lot of add-ons available on Splunkbase to fetch data from Azure. Can you elaborate more on what particular functionality are you looking for?
Hi , Sorry if any confusion on my comments, i am not asking that app should be archived.
We have this app installed on our SH since long now and all of sudden app stopped working, post we raised a case with SPlunk , they mentioned app got deprecated.
Now i am checking if there is any alternate option to onboard the CAS(cloud app security) logs.
As per your comments,If App is still active , then why the console is not opening?
Hey @tejasode ,
To check why the app console is currently not opening, it should be better to check splunkd.log and web_service.log. Apart from that for alternative solution, as I mentioned #3757 (Splunk Add-on for Microsoft Azure) has inputs to collect data from Azure Security Center.
Additionally, if you're able to stream the CAS logs to eventhub, you can also go for configuring #3110 (Splunk Add-on for Microsoft Cloudservices) inputs. It is also a supported add-on and is CIM compliant as well.