My apps running in docker containers currently use 8.2.9 splunk univeral forwarder that works fine. My image are based on linux alpine image.
I have for some time been trying to get 9.x.x UF working instead but I cannot get it to work. When it boots, it prints the following error:
"/opt/splunkforwarder/bin/splunk" start --accept-license --answer-yes --no-prompt
Warning: Attempting to revert the SPLUNK_HOME ownership
Warning: Executing "chown -R splunk:splunk /opt/splunkforwarder"
This appears to be your first time running this version of Splunk.
Creating unit file...
Error calling execve(): No such file or directory
Error launching command: No such file or directory
Failed to create the unit file. Please do it manually later.
Splunk> The Notorious B.I.G. D.A.T.A.
Checking prerequisites...
Checking mgmt port [8089]: open
Creating: /opt/splunkforwarder/var/lib/splunk
Creating: /opt/splunkforwarder/var/run/splunk
Creating: /opt/splunkforwarder/var/run/splunk/appserver/i18n
Creating: /opt/splunkforwarder/var/run/splunk/appserver/modules/static/css
Creating: /opt/splunkforwarder/var/run/splunk/upload
Creating: /opt/splunkforwarder/var/run/splunk/search_telemetry
Creating: /opt/splunkforwarder/var/run/splunk/search_log
Creating: /opt/splunkforwarder/var/spool/splunk
Creating: /opt/splunkforwarder/var/spool/dirmoncache
Creating: /opt/splunkforwarder/var/lib/splunk/authDb
Creating: /opt/splunkforwarder/var/lib/splunk/hashDb
Checking conf files for problems...
Checking default conf files for edits...
Validating installed files against hashes from '/opt/splunkforwarder/splunkforwarder-9.1.2-b6b9c8185839-linux-2.6-x86_64-manifest'
All installed files intact.
All preliminary checks passed.
Starting splunk server daemon (splunkd)...
PYTHONHTTPSVERIFY is set to 0 in splunk-launch.conf disabling certificate validation for the httplib and urllib libraries shipped with the embedded Python interpreter; must be set to "1" for increased security
However it seems to start a background process but I dont see the logs in splunk. Using the status command kills the background process:
"/opt/splunkforwarder/bin/splunk" status
Warning: Attempting to revert the SPLUNK_HOME ownership
Warning: Executing "chown -R splunk:splunk /opt/splunkforwarder"
splunkd 165 was not running.
Stopping splunk helpers...
I have tried disabling boot start but that gives me a similar error::
"/opt/splunkforwarder/bin/splunk" disable boot-start
Error calling execve(): No such file or directory
Error launching command: No such file or directory
execve: No such file or directory
while running command /sbin/chkconfig
After researching this, I think it could be related to systemd perhaps? I dont think Alpine includes it but it uses OpenRC instead. However, I dont really have any use for this autostart feature anyway, is there a way to ignore/skip it somehow?
That was bad workaround way to force enable tty when launch splunkforwarder. Why it has the istty rescrition on itself. Can't we manage forwarder within other program manager like supervisor which couldn't have tty env
Indeed, I have searched and read all the threads I could find about this issue to no avail.