hi everyone
i installed splunk after delete splunk
i go /splunk/bin and ./splunk start
i see error message "ERROR: Couldn't determine $SPLUNK_HOME or $SPLUNK_ETC; perhaps one should be set in environment"
how i can do?
thank you very much!
@syloee you could try setting splunk_home variable as advised here - https://community.splunk.com/t5/Deployment-Architecture/Where-is-splunk-installed-on-Linux/m-p/12313...
An upvote would be appreciated and accept solution if it helps!
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thank you
Did you re-install Splunk as the root user? If so, the directory permissions might be off.
Assuming you are running Splunk as the splunk user, try using chown -RP splunk:splunk /opt/splunk
You can additionally modify $SPLUNK_HOME in /opt/splunk/etc/splunk-launch.conf (assuming you installed on Linux to the default directory).
thank you very much
@syloee you could try setting splunk_home variable as advised here - https://community.splunk.com/t5/Deployment-Architecture/Where-is-splunk-installed-on-Linux/m-p/12313...
An upvote would be appreciated and accept solution if it helps!
thank you very much!