I'm getting the following error after I upgraded to Splunk 6.3:
Search peer Splunk has the following message: Found stanza=_blocksignature in indexes.conf. The block-signing feature is no longer available in Splunk. Please remove stanza=[_blocksignature] from the indexes.conf. For further details, please refer to the related topic in the latest version of 'Securing Splunk' manual on docs.splunk.com.
After running the btool command, I'm still unable to find this stanza in indexes.conf. Has anyone seen this issue before?
This command will tell you which app the indexes.conf _blocksignature stanza resides in:
/opt/splunk/bin/splunk btool --debug-print=app indexes list _blocksignature | head -1 | awk '{print $1}'
Is this on a standalone instance or in a distributed environment?
In distributed environment, you need to remove the the _blocksignature index configuration from the Master-Apps on the Master Node, and apply the bundle.
In standalone environments, this will most likely be in $splunk_home/etc/system/local if you have upgraded. You can check the default also for this, but it shouldn't be in there after the upgrade.
If it's distributed environment and clustering is not implemented, remove _blocksignature index configuration from the indexes.conf file (on Deployment server if exists) then reload config.