I am trying to migrate the splunk from a physical machine to AWS, the version running on the physical machine is 6.5.3 and one on the AWS is 8.0.5, i have rsync the splunk home but it didnt work. Can you suggest me the best way i can have all the data up and running on the latest splunk in AWS.
Thank you it worked by step by step upgrade
Just want to clear that i am able to telnet the 8000 port within the splunk machine but not accessible from my browser. Also i have my splund.log have entries
09-12-2020 12:34:20.444 +0000 ERROR AggregatorMiningProcessor - Expected boolean value for setting "ADD_EXTRA_TIME_FIELDS", instead got: ...defaulting to true.
Is this something i have to be worried about
Thank you for the reply.
As you suggested also from the splunk doc https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/8.0.5/Installation/HowtoupgradeSplunk , i have tried upgrading step by step. I couldnt find any download link for the version 7.0, so upgraded the current version 6.5.3 to 7.1 which is available in the splunk download link https://www.splunk.com/en_us/download/previous-releases.html#tabs/linux. But after when i start my splunk from command line but the web portal is still not up, but i can telent the 8000 port. Let me know if i have missed anything from my side.