Hello, please help me. I through splunkforwarder try to load a look log:
May 16 03:36:57 corosync [CMAN ] daemon: sending reply 40000005 to fd 32
May 16 03:36:57 corosync [CMAN ] daemon: read 20 bytes from fd 32
May 16 03:36:57 corosync [CMAN ] daemon: client command is 7
May 16 03:36:57 corosync [CMAN ] daemon: About to process command
May 16 03:36:57 corosync [CMAN ] memb: command to process is 7
May 16 03:36:57 corosync [CMAN ] memb: get_all_members: retlen = 880
And splunk changes host name for corosync how to bypass it?
yes, I use syslog sourcetype
Goto the path -
Edit the below files :
serverName = 10.x.x.x
host = 10.x.x.x
After making the changes restart the splunkforwarder service.
If you early forwarded logs to indexer , delete the indexed data for the specific host.
or check for recent changes
and was, the problem was in sourcetype. thnx
What sourcetype are you assigning? There are built-in sourcetypes (e.g. syslog) that could be overriding the host based on the message content.
try with you monitor stanza. If the data is already indexed it will not help you anymore. You have to delete the index and re-index the files after clearing the fish bucket at forwarder end.
I tryed^
host = myname
It not help.
mention host name for the input in the splunkforwarder.