we Have been trying to detect any memory leaks on our windows servers. As of now we are just trying to compare the virtual bytes counter for two different time ranges and tracking the increase in the memory usage by a process.Later we are trying to detect patterns by saving the results in a lookupfile. Is there a better approach to achieve this.
Could you provide your search queries?
index=perfmon eventtype="perfmon_windows" (Host="*") Host="*" object=Process counter="Private_Bytes" earliest=-30m@m latest=-20m@m
| stats avg(Value) AS older by host process_name
| join [search index=perfmon eventtype="perfmon_windows" (Host="*") Host="*" object=Process counter="Private_Bytes" earliest=-20m@m latest=-10m@m | stats avg(Value) AS newer by host process_name _time | convert ctime(_time) as time ] |eval diff= newer - older | eval percent = (diff/older)*100
|table host, process_name, older, newer, percent , time| where newer > 4 * older | sort - percent | outputlookup append=true autotestlookup.csv
this is our current search query to compare the memory and save it in a lookup file. I am not sure if the approach we are trying is the best option.