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track all active session (RDP) in network by user

Path Finder

hello, I want to track all active session(RDP) in the network and see who login which server, what is the source IP address, and the sum of minutes of the active session
I use this code found in this forum with some tune but it doesn't cover all that I need, it is necessary I know how much time is session active
sry if my English not fluent

source="WinEventLog:Security" EventCode=4624 OR EventCode=4634  Account_Name=*  action=success NOT | eval User=if(mvcount(Account_Name)>1, mvindex(Account_Name,1), mvindex(Account_Name, 0))    | eval User=lower(User) | search NOT User=*$ | transaction User maxevents=2 startswith="EventCode=4624" endswith="EventCode=4634" maxspan=-1   | stats  sum(duration) As Duration by User, ComputerName, Source_Network_Address   | eval  Duration(M)=round((Duration/60), 0)    | table  User,Source_Network_Address,Duration(M),ComputerName
0 Karma


it is necessary I know how much time is session active

From the search you attached:

| eval  Duration(M)=round((Duration/60), 0)    
| table  User,Source_Network_Address,Duration(M),ComputerName

The Duration here is being is the time between the login and logoff events associated with the session.
Although I believe there may be an issues:

| transaction User maxevents=2 startswith="EventCode=4624" endswith="EventCode=4634" maxspan=-1   

If a user RDPs to multiple system,s, those session could be incorrectly connected as a transaction since you are only using the username as the criteria. I would change that to:

| transaction User, ComputerName maxevents=2 startswith="EventCode=4624" endswith="EventCode=4634" maxspan=-1   
0 Karma

Path Finder

thank you, it is useful
if I want to track active session too, what should do??? I mean the user does not log off cause we want to monitor users behavior

0 Karma


you would keep evicted (incomplete transactions) and find the incomplete ones with the start event

| transaction User, ComputerName  startswith="EventCode=4624" endswith="EventCode=4634" maxspan=-1 maxevents=2  keepevicted=true 
| search for closed_txn=0 AND EventCode=4624

0 Karma

Path Finder

do your self test this????

0 Karma

Revered Legend

What problem do you see with current search results? How many events does your search is processing (or could process)?

0 Karma

Path Finder

I want to see active session, this search show session that disconnect and the user doesn't active anymore, I need to see active session

0 Karma

Path Finder

no one can help me?

0 Karma
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