I am new to Splunk and I have task where I need to configure timestamp from XML file.
Do you have any hint how to configure this.
If I understand this correctly I must use transforms.conf to parse day, month, year and time into timestamp because with timestamp I cannot take date from multi-value?
And then after trasform I can use something like %d%m%y %H%M%S
You dont need to write regex or anything, please just point me into right direction so I can try to figure it out.
Thank you,
Try something like this in props.conf -
TIME_FORMAT = %d\<\/day\>[\r\n\s]+\<month\>%m\<\/month\>[\r\n\s]+\<year\>%y\<\/year\>[\r\n\s]+\<time\>%H%M%S\<time\>
If you want to do it at search time, then extract all time fields and then set the _time(with epoch time) field and it will reflect across all events.
Quick Update for Splunk 7.1.0.
To get the Time_Format to extract a time stamp in 7.1.0 you can use @dineshraj9 answer if you lose the escape characters ().
A colleague and I were trying to extract a timestamp across multiple xml tags:
<fiveminute id="28"><date><year>2018</year><month>05</month><day>22</day></date><time><hour>17</hour><minute>05</minute></time><rx>578489</rx><tx>1800555</tx></fiveminute>
We were able to get the timestamp extracted in 7.1.0 with the following configurations:
TIME_PREFIX = year\>
Notice that the escape character was used in the TIME_PREFIX, that value is still regex, but the TIME_FORMAT is not regex and therefore does not make use of the escape character.
Unfortunatelly still no luck.
props.conf is something like this
TIME_FORMAT = %d<\/day>[\r\n\s]+\%m<\/month>[\r\n\s]+\%y<\/year>[\r\n\s]+\%H%M%S\
category = Custom
pulldown_type = true
Here the TIME_FORMAT is missing start of the month tag and start of the year tag.
It should be - TIME_FORMAT = %d\<\/day\>[\r\n\s]+\<month\>%m\<\/month\>[\r\n\s]+\<year\>%y\<\/year\>[\r\n\s]+\<time\>%H%M%S
Also, is Splunk breaking the events properly? A single event should be .... and Splunk not be treating each line as an event.
LINE_BREAKER = ([\n\r]+)(?=\s*\<root\>)
still nothing. How can I see error log or something so I can see what I need to search. When I change props.conf is that real time change in Search?
I also tried to add - KV_MODE=xml and that will give me root.day, root.month but I simply not getting timestamp from xml.
do I need to TIME_FORMAT <\/day> or I just need to format value\n value\n value ...
How can I see what's I am doing wrong?
this is real example \nwhitespacevalue...
Could you try changing the fields to captial and try -
TIME_FORMAT = %d\<\/DAY\>[\r\n\s]+\<MONTH\>%m\<\/MONTH\>[\r\n\s]+\<YEAR\>%y\<\/YEAR\>[\r\n\s]+\<TIME\>%H%M%S
sure but timestamp values still none.
I think I'll just give up with this hint as from 1000 examples none of it's works for me. Always in WebUI \r\n\s. Above examples does not works also.
LINE_BREAKER = ([\n\r]+)(?=\s*)
TIME_FORMAT = %d<\/DAY>[\r\n\s]+\%m<\/MONTH>[\r\n\s]+\%y<\/YEAR>[\r\n\s]+\%H%M%S
unfortunately no luck. : (
still \n and spaces give me problems. 😄
When I do it in WebUI and go with mouse over orange icon it's like
cannot parse time 11\n 11\n 17 ....
so now my question is, do I need to put <\/day>.... in TIME_FORMAT props? or I only need to escape \n4xWhitespace
I changed his response just a little bit. Can you try it again?
Do you want to extract the timestamp at search time or index time?