when i forward my input files (c:\data) from server A to Splunk Head at ServerB, the date format was correct for all input files as of yesterday. But today, when the date is 1/8/2014 (dd/mm/yyyy), some files from the server A is recognised as 8/1/2014 (dd/mm/yyyy) and some recognised as 1/8/2014 (dd/mm/yyyy). Why is it so? How and where to correct it to ensure the new data format is recognised as dd/mm/yyyy. thks
You can do this my mentioning your time format in props.conf file:
Under your configuration stanza, you can add
This will ensure that the timestamp for all the events of that type are considered in dd/mm/yyyy format.
You might have to configure other attributes for your sourcetype for timestamp recognition and event-breaking. Please provide some sample logs and current sourcetype definition from props.conf (if any, from indexer).
Can you paste your props.conf setting?
how come from the same forwarder, the date format is different for different input files? So strange.
it works only the first event after restarted the splunk and the subsequent events were returned back to mm/dd/yyyy. ANy thing else need to do? thks
Can you post your props.conf settings