I am trying to find out why I receive "ExecProcessor - Ran script: "$SPLUNK_HOME\bin\splunk-perfmon.exe" -index perfmon, took 46.88 milliseconds to run, 0 bytes read, exited with code -1".
I am layering the following apps: splunk_Windows_TA, TA-DNSServer-NT6,TA-DomainController-NT6.
Below is my btool output for inputs.conf in debug mode:
system [SSL]
system _rcvbuf = 1572864
system cipherSuite = ALL:!aNULL:!eNULL:!LOW:!EXP:RC4+RSA:+HIGH:+MEDIUM
Splunk_TA_ evt_dc_name =
Splunk_TA_ evt_dns_name =
system evt_resolve_ad_obj = 0
system host = fozzie
system index = default
Splunk_TA_ [WinEventLog:Application]
system _rcvbuf = 1572864
Splunk_TA_ checkpointInterval = 5
Splunk_TA_ current_only = 0
Splunk_TA_ disabled = 0
Splunk_TA_ evt_dc_name =
Splunk_TA_ evt_dns_name =
system evt_resolve_ad_obj = 0
system host = fozzie
Splunk_TA_ index = winevents
Splunk_TA_ start_from = oldest
TA-DomainC [WinEventLog:DFS Replication]
system _rcvbuf = 1572864
TA-DomainC disabled = 0
Splunk_TA_ evt_dc_name =
Splunk_TA_ evt_dns_name =
system evt_resolve_ad_obj = 0
system host = fozzie
TA-DomainC index = winevents
TA-DomainC queue = parsingQueue
TA-DomainC sourcetype = "WinEventLog:DFS Replication"
TA-DNSServ [WinEventLog:DNS Server]
system _rcvbuf = 1572864
TA-DNSServ disabled = false
Splunk_TA_ evt_dc_name =
Splunk_TA_ evt_dns_name =
system evt_resolve_ad_obj = 0
system host = fozzie
TA-DNSServ index = winevents
TA-DNSServ queue = parsingQueue
TA-DNSServ sourcetype = WinEventLog:DNS-Server
TA-DomainC [WinEventLog:Directory Service]
system _rcvbuf = 1572864
TA-DomainC disabled = 0
Splunk_TA_ evt_dc_name =
Splunk_TA_ evt_dns_name =
system evt_resolve_ad_obj = 0
system host = fozzie
TA-DomainC index = winevents
TA-DomainC queue = parsingQueue
TA-DomainC sourcetype = "WinEventLog:Directory Service"
TA-DomainC [WinEventLog:File Replication Service]
system _rcvbuf = 1572864
TA-DomainC disabled = 0
Splunk_TA_ evt_dc_name =
Splunk_TA_ evt_dns_name =
system evt_resolve_ad_obj = 0
system host = fozzie
TA-DomainC index = winevents
TA-DomainC queue = parsingQueue
TA-DomainC sourcetype = "WinEventLog:File Replication Service"
system [WinEventLog:ForwardedEvents]
system _rcvbuf = 1572864
system checkpointInterval = 5
system current_only = 0
system disabled = 1
Splunk_TA_ evt_dc_name =
Splunk_TA_ evt_dns_name =
system evt_resolve_ad_obj = 0
system host = fozzie
system index = default
system start_from = oldest
system [WinEventLog:HardwareEvents]
system _rcvbuf = 1572864
system checkpointInterval = 5
system current_only = 0
system disabled = 1
Splunk_TA_ evt_dc_name =
Splunk_TA_ evt_dns_name =
system evt_resolve_ad_obj = 0
system host = fozzie
system index = default
system start_from = oldest
system [WinEventLog:Internet Explorer]
system _rcvbuf = 1572864
system checkpointInterval = 5
system current_only = 0
system disabled = 1
Splunk_TA_ evt_dc_name =
Splunk_TA_ evt_dns_name =
system evt_resolve_ad_obj = 0
system host = fozzie
system index = default
system start_from = oldest
TA-DomainC [WinEventLog:Key Management Service]
system _rcvbuf = 1572864
TA-DomainC disabled = 0
Splunk_TA_ evt_dc_name =
Splunk_TA_ evt_dns_name =
system evt_resolve_ad_obj = 0
system host = fozzie
TA-DomainC index = winevents
TA-DomainC queue = parsingQueue
TA-DomainC sourcetype = "WinEventLog:Key Management Service"
Splunk_TA_ [WinEventLog:Security]
system _rcvbuf = 1572864
Splunk_TA_ checkpointInterval = 5
Splunk_TA_ current_only = 0
Splunk_TA_ disabled = 0
Splunk_TA_ evt_dc_name =
Splunk_TA_ evt_dns_name =
Splunk_TA_ evt_resolve_ad_obj = 1
system host = fozzie
Splunk_TA_ index = winevents
Splunk_TA_ start_from = oldest
system [WinEventLog:Setup]
system _rcvbuf = 1572864
system checkpointInterval = 5
system current_only = 0
system disabled = 1
Splunk_TA_ evt_dc_name =
Splunk_TA_ evt_dns_name =
system evt_resolve_ad_obj = 0
system host = fozzie
system index = default
system start_from = oldest
Splunk_TA_ [WinEventLog:System]
system _rcvbuf = 1572864
Splunk_TA_ checkpointInterval = 5
Splunk_TA_ current_only = 0
Splunk_TA_ disabled = 0
Splunk_TA_ evt_dc_name =
Splunk_TA_ evt_dns_name =
system evt_resolve_ad_obj = 0
system host = fozzie
Splunk_TA_ index = winevents
Splunk_TA_ start_from = oldest
system [batch://C:\Program Files\splunk\var\spool\splunk]
system _rcvbuf = 1572864
system crcSalt =