We're indexing /var/log/secure, as one does, and I have a request to list users who've logged in in a comma-delimted list per host. I'm using the Splunk search
source=/var/log/secure "pam_unix(sshd:session): session opened" | stats values(user) as "user" by host | mvcombine delim="," user
This works great, but for some reason the results are not honoring the delim="," and so they're coming out as space-delimited instead. A minor annoyance, but pointers for getting this to do exactly as I want would be great.
This guy has the right answer here:
In short, your search needs to move the delim parameter to your stats command, like this.
source=/var/log/secure "pam_unix(sshd:session): session opened" | stats delim="," values(user) as "user" by host | mvcombine user
In this case, @peter7431's answer is probably the best answer. There are times when you aren't using stats to get the multi-value field so I wanted to follow-up with why it didn't work and two ways to make it work.
mvcombine takes fields from different events and combines them. For example:
| gentimes start=-1
| eval foo="cat;bear;monkey;horse;dog"
| fields foo | eval foo=split(foo,";")
| mvexpand foo
Then if we try mvcombine and use nomv, you can see the effect of the delim argument:
| mvcombine delim="DelimsROCK" foo
| nomv foo
and nomv
The most obvious solution can be seen in my above example where I use mvexpand foo and nomv foo:
source=/var/log/secure "pam_unix(sshd:session): session opened"
| stats values(user) as "user" by host
| mvexpand user
| mvcombine delim="," user
| nomv user
Note: There are two additions mvexpand
and nomv
source=/var/log/secure "pam_unix(sshd:session): session opened"
| stats values(user) as "user" by host
| eval user=mvjoin(user,",")
I want a table like so:
host 1 user1,user4,user8,user13
host2 user1,user2,user9,user11,user101
host3 user2,user4,user10
What I'm getting now is:
host 1 user1 user4 user8 user13
host2 user1 user2 user9 user11 user101
host3 user2 user4 user10
What are you trying to do with mvcombine
here? It looks like your stats command is requesting a multivalue field for user, but then you're trying to combine it. mvcombine
works on multiple events, with single-value fields.
What do you want as your ultimate table?