I have the below file being indexed in spunk,
{ <event}}
and I would like to get rid of everything before {
so I'm executing the SEDCMD like below,
SEDCMD-StripHeader = s/{\s+\"records\":\s+\[\s+{/{/1
but it doesn't seem to be working. When I test it using the below splunk command it works a treat,
sourcetype="json:blob" | rex field=_raw mode=sed "s/{\s+\"records\":\s+\[\s+{/{/1"
I have restarted splunk, it's running on a single instance ( so this is my search head and indexer) - any ideas what I'm doing wrong?
Try with this
SEDCMD-StripHeader = s/^(\{\s+\"records\":\s+\[\s+)//
REGEX 101 link to see the regular exp working https://regex101.com/r/zkIXVa/1
Please note that SEDCMD is an index-time operation and would only affect any new event that come after you've configured it. Any existing event will not modified.
which is the best instance to add SEDCMD ??
Is it heavy forwarder or indexer ?
that doesn't work unfortunately, is there an issue with my props.conf ?
The regex of your's works too. I guess if you've a copy of the file that you're monitoring available locally, you can test the SEDCMD command from Add data wizard. (Settings-> Add data -> Upload, go to advanced tab of left side bar and add SEDCMD of your).