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how to work with transforms.conf



I have few services that today sends data some index via code.

We are going to remove this index and create new one but cannot change the code so i want to change the point with transforms.conf + props.conf using regex that extract the service name from source field and the environment from _raw

this is my transforms.conf file :


SOURCE_KEY = source
REGEX = \/var\/log\/pods\/(.+?)_
FORMAT = complaince_int_front::@service_$environment
DEST_KEY = _MetaData:Index

SOURCE_KEY = sourcetype::kube:container:mockapiservice
REGEX = "Region":"(.+?)"
FORMAT = complaince_int_front::@service_$1
DEST_KEY = _MetaData:Index

i guess i did something wrong since its not working

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Path Finder

Hi there,

Here's a breakdown of potential issues and solutions:

1. Regex Accuracy:

  • Double-check that the regular expressions (REGEX) accurately match your expected data patterns. Test them thoroughly using online regex testers or Splunk's rex command.
  • Ensure the source and sourcetype fields contain the correct values for extraction.

2. FORMAT Order:

  • The FORMAT field should use $1 to reference the first captured group from the regex, not $environment. Here's the corrected format:
FORMAT = complaince_int_front::@service_$1

3. Transform Order:

  • If both transforms are applied to the same data, consider their order. The environment_extraction transform might overwrite the service_extraction if it runs first. Adjust the order in transforms.conf if needed.

4. props.conf:

  • Verify that props.conf correctly sets the _MetaData:Index field for indexing.

5. Troubleshooting Steps:

  • Review Logs: Examine Splunk's internal logs for errors or warnings related to transforms.
  • Test with Sample Data: Isolate issues by manually running transforms on sample data using the | command.
  • Enable Debugging: Set DEBUG = true in [transforms] for detailed logging.

Additional Tips:

  • Consider using Splunk's indextime command for more flexible index-time transformations.
  • Consult Splunk's documentation for in-depth guidance on transforms and regular expressions.


  • Test changes thoroughly in a non-production environment before deploying to production.
  • Regularly review and update transforms to ensure they align with evolving data patterns.

~ If the reply helps, a Karma upvote would be appreciated

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