I have 4 Farwarders sending data to indexes how to identify their details while searching
Assuming you want to know which data containing host is married to the forwarder,
->Check inputs.conf on the host's SplunkHOME/etc/system/local.
->Check other config files.
->Install S.O.S app and look the topology etc.
Like MuS mentioned, all the answers you get would be darts in the dark until you clarify.
Sorry newbie here.. Previous guy that I took over for installed SOS.. when I run topology report yes I can see my servers and forwarders, but in no way tells me if it's a heavy, lite, or universal forwarder. How do I tell?
Data onboarding app is small one and easy to understand the forwarder details and app is available at https://apps.splunk.com/app/1769/
SoS is vey good app (https://apps.splunk.com/app/748/), but it has lots of information beyond forwarders details and you may have to spend sometime to understand the app.
If you just need forwarders information, use Data onboarding app.
Assuming you want to know which data containing host is married to the forwarder,
->Check inputs.conf on the host's SplunkHOME/etc/system/local.
->Check other config files.
->Install S.O.S app and look the topology etc.
Like MuS mentioned, all the answers you get would be darts in the dark until you clarify.
please clarify/specify what details you mean?