We are using the Splunk app for checkpoint to ingest checkpoint logs via a heavy forwarder.
The host is always reported as the management server and we want to override that with the IPs of the actual firewalls.
I created the following files in the local folders on the heavy forwarder:
TRANSFORMS-host_override = host_override
REGEX = origin=([^|]+)
DEST_KEY = MetaData:Host
FORMAT = host::$1
Restarted Splunk but there's no change, the host value remains the same.
btool shows that the local props and transforms files are applied.
I can even see the Field transformation on the heavy forwarder UI.
I've also checked that the regex works fine and extracts the correct values.
Any ideas?
Thank you!
I finally made it work by editing the
/opt/splunk/etc/system/local/props.conf and transform.conf files
instead of the ones in:
origin= is (one of ) the firewalls IPs that we want to be present in the host field
Hi @gcusello ,
Sure, here's one "anonymized" log 🙂
time=1600865570|hostname=ckpman|product=Firewall|action=Drop|ifdir=inbound|ifname=eth2-01.123|loguid={0x512344ba,0x123,0x6612300a,0x3fff1234}|origin=|originsicname=CN\=editedfwname,O\=ckpman..aaaaaa|sequencenum=1|time=1600865570|version=5|dst=|message_info=Address spoofing|proto=17|s_port=137|service=137|src=
Hi @dkloud ,
the hostname you want to set is the one after "hostname=", is it correct?
if this is your requirent, please, try this:
REGEX = hostname\=([^|]+)
DEST_KEY = MetaData:Host
FORMAT = host::$1
probably the problem is that "=" is a special char so you have to escape it.
Hi @gcusello ,
As said, in the end it worked by editing the /opt/splunk/etc/system/local props and transforms files
So the regex was correct after all, I didn't have to escape the "=" sign.
Thanks for the suggestion though!