I am using syslog-ng
the syslog are configured to create a new file every min
with the below
destination d_1513 { file("/splunksyslog/port1513/$HOST/syslog_$FACILITY_$YEAR-$MONTH-$DAY-$HOUR-$(/ $MIN 1).log");};
looks like the files are created are large file
is there an option to create the files every 30 sec for example
didn't find is possible to set
destination d_1513 { file("/splunksyslog/port1513/$HOST/syslog_$FACILITY_$YEAR-$MONTH-$DAY-$HOUR-$(/ $SEC 30).log");};
destination d_1513 { file("/splunksyslog/port1513/$HOST/syslog_$FACILITY_$YEAR-$MONTH-$DAY-$HOUR-$(/ $MIN 0.5).log");};