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can splunk monitor fschange


I want to know the user details, what changes happened, when, if someone makes changes to config files. is that possible?
I tried something below, I got events as

6/14/10 9:20:52.000 AM Mon Jun 14 09:20:52 2010 action=add, path="C:\TEMP\configs.txt", isdir=0, size=388, gid=-1, uid=-1, modtime="Mon Jun 14 09:17:56 2010", mode="rwxrwxrwx", hash=

disabled = false
index = _audit
sourcetype =dfgd
pollPeriod = 60

and when I tried to set up this config in Splunk forwarder, I didn't get any results.

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from inputs.conf documentation -

sourcetype =dfgd

i think instead of monitor you should use fschange
and for index, we should not use _audit
(maybe -index=mainORsomething)

EDIT - thanks @harsmarvania57
Please keep in mind that this feature is deprecated and will be removed in future version of Splunk. Please see documentation

 This feature has been deprecated as of Splunk Enterprise version 5.0. This means that although it continues to function in version 6.x of Splunk software, it might be removed in a future version. As an alternative, you can:

     Learn how to monitor file system changes on Windows systems.
     Use the auditd daemon on *nix systems and monitor output from the daemon.

 For a list of all deprecated features, see the topic Deprecated features in the Release Notes. 

Ultra Champion

Please keep in mind that this feature is deprecated and will be removed in future version of Splunk. Please see documentation

This feature has been deprecated as of Splunk Enterprise version 5.0. This means that although it continues to function in version 6.x of Splunk software, it might be removed in a future version. As an alternative, you can:

    Learn how to monitor file system changes on Windows systems.
    Use the auditd daemon on *nix systems and monitor output from the daemon.

For a list of all deprecated features, see the topic Deprecated features in the Release Notes. 
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