When installing a UF on Windows, the installer prompts for sources to forward, including event logs or a path.
I put in a path to some IIS logs but have come to regret my decision. I want to change the values, but I can't find them.
They aren't in
C:\Program Files\SplunkUniversalForwarder\etc\system\local\outputs.conf
C:\Program Files\SplunkUniversalForwarder\etc\system\default\outputs.conf
Where are the settings captured during the install and how can I change them?
Ok, found it under SplunkTAwindows. So which is the preferred location to declare directories I want monitored?
The conf file to look for will be inputs.conf. Search inputs.conf in following locations
C:\Program Files\SplunkUniversalForwarder\etc\system\local
C:\Program Files\SplunkUniversalForwarder\etc\system\default
C:\Program Files\SplunkUniversalForwarder\etc\apps\Splunk_TA_windows\local