Am I missing something? My understanding of splunk 6 is that the following configuration should strip all lines beginning with '#' and parse the line beginning with '#fields
I had almost the exact same issue (although my "header block" was only 2 lines).
I found that no variations of PREAMBLE_REGEX (despite passing the test) would properly filter out the header lines... UNTIL I added HEADER_FIELD_LINE_NUMBER as well.
After experimenting, I found that any value of HEADER_FIELD_LINE_NUMBER worked (as long as it wasn't greater than the actual header block... <=3 in my case)
The exact settings I ending up using:
My log file looks something like:
# Created on Jan 1, 2014
# Created by /opt/procys/
2014-01-01 00:00 Something, something, normal log data here
2014-01-01 01:00 Something, something, normal log data here
2014-01-01 02:00 Something, something, normal log data here
But I don't see a header field in your sample log file. Did you just leave it out?
By no means an expert, but reading the docs, seems like you need to:
, specify the regex to match the whole line to throwaway.. perhaps ^#.*
, need to regex capture the actual part of the line which has the field headers to extract, perhaps ^#fields\t(.*)
Also are you doing this on a forwarder or an indexer?
please paste a sample of your actual logs.