Currently on v 9.0.3 (but has been happening forever).
On our universal forwarders we're using the Splunk provided bin apps for various things. In this example, I just noted the win_installed_apps.bat is running 78 times in a 24 hour period, even though the interval is set to once every 24 hours:
disabled = 0
## Run once per day
interval = 86400
sourcetype = Script:InstalledApps
Other examples that are set for 86400 seconds include win_timesync_configuration.bat and win_timesync_status.bat that both run 39 times a day.
We have a home grown script to check for compliance set to run every hour (3600 seconds) and it runs every hour like it should. Why are so many others ignored?
Hi @mykol_j,
I agree with @PickleRick, check the configurations using btool.
at the same time, setup (only for testing) a different interval, maybe the problem isn't the interval: e.g. execution rights on the script or the script location.
Thanks, guys.
Guess I need to learn to use btool...
I know, I know, I've just been lazy...
hi @mykol_j,
see here for btool using;
<heavy sigh>
PS C:\Program Files\SplunkUniversalForwarder\bin> .\btool.exe list inputs --debug
SPLUNK_HOME must be set. Stopping.
Never a dull moment...
First things first - use the btool to verify that your effective configuration is what you think it is.