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Why is the Powershell Modular Input not scheduling the script to run?


Here is my inputs.conf:

script = . "$SplunkHome\etc\apps\test_infra_dnsext_inputs\bin\checkdnsext.ps1"
schedule = `0 */5 * ? * *`
sourcetype = test:powershell
index = test

Here is my Powershell located in /app/bin:

$ipaddress = $(ipconfig | where {$_ -match 'IPv4.+\s(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})' } | out-null; $Matches[1])
$dnstest=Resolve-DnsName -Name -server $ipaddress -QuickTimeout -Type A | select Name
if ($dnstest -like '*google*') {
write-host ((get-date),"`nExternal DNS Status:","$result")
write-host ((get-date),"`nExternal DNS Status:","$result")

The script works. I don't see any errors in splunkd.log on the client, other than the fact that I don't see it scheduling the script to run.

Any ideas?

0 Karma


Can you try with a service restart.

0 Karma


I've tried restarting the service numerous times. That cron has 's around it because of the Splunk forum. It doesn't complain about an invalid cron in the internal logs.

0 Karma
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