Here is my inputs.conf:
script = . "$SplunkHome\etc\apps\test_infra_dnsext_inputs\bin\checkdnsext.ps1"
schedule = `0 */5 * ? * *`
sourcetype = test:powershell
index = test
Here is my Powershell located in /app/bin:
$ipaddress = $(ipconfig | where {$_ -match 'IPv4.+\s(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})' } | out-null; $Matches[1])
$dnstest=Resolve-DnsName -Name -server $ipaddress -QuickTimeout -Type A | select Name
if ($dnstest -like '*google*') {
write-host ((get-date),"`nExternal DNS Status:","$result")
write-host ((get-date),"`nExternal DNS Status:","$result")
The script works. I don't see any errors in splunkd.log on the client, other than the fact that I don't see it scheduling the script to run.
Any ideas?
Can you try with a service restart.
I've tried restarting the service numerous times. That cron has 's around it because of the Splunk forum. It doesn't complain about an invalid cron in the internal logs.