I am new to splunk and i downloaded and installed splunk in my windows 8 OS-64 bit. After installation Splunkd is working but splunkweb fails to start. I have tried starting, but no success. Restarting the splunkweb service does the same thing. It is running for few seconds and it stops. Please advise.
I have already experience this problem on Windows 8 with 64bit Splunk6.2.0
and I have download another version of splunk (Splunk6.2.2 -64bit) and working properly. so this is why I propose you download another version of splunk as Splunk-6.2.2-... or
go this link to download: http://www.splunk.com/en_us/download/splunk-enterprise.html
tek this: splunk-6.2.3-264376-x64-release.msi
In splunk 6.2...the splunkweb service has been incorporated into the splunkd service.
Hi, I have replaces the web.conf file with the following data
appServerPorts = 0
httpport = 8000
when i tried to restart splunkd is running but splunkweb starts and stops abruptly.
Which version of Splunk did you install?
splunkweb is no longer included in 6.2. It's all rolled into splunkd. So there's no need to worry about splunkweb not starting. That is by design. Thanks.
Following Error Throws
"Unable to start service"
The service did not respond to start or control request in a timely fashion.