What special capabilities (permissions) are required to run the REST API? A colleague and I are both running one of the search examples: he gets results, but I get a FATAL empty search error. He is an admin, but I am not (though I do have access via the web to run queries).
P.S. My role "dealing" is equivalent to the built in "power" role, capabilties are:
The problem appears to have been with the version of curl I was using. This works fine with
curl 7.15.5 (x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu) libcurl/7.15.5 OpenSSL/0.9.8b zlib/1.2.3 libidn/0.6.5
curl 7.21.0 (amd64-pc-win32) libcurl/7.21.0 OpenSSL/0.9.8o zlib/1.2.3
did not work.
It took us awhile to get for Graphistry! For running regular Splunk REST searches without needing an admin user, create a role with capabilities search
and rest_properties_get
and assign that role to your user. You can build up from there.
The problem appears to have been with the version of curl I was using. This works fine with
curl 7.15.5 (x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu) libcurl/7.15.5 OpenSSL/0.9.8b zlib/1.2.3 libidn/0.6.5
curl 7.21.0 (amd64-pc-win32) libcurl/7.21.0 OpenSSL/0.9.8o zlib/1.2.3
did not work.
Just done some testing and my test user with the user role can access all endpoints I would expect a user to based on their permissions within Splunk. E.g. it can view role information that relates to its user only. If I try to access anything for the admin user via servicesNS then it correctly throws a, In handler 'users': You do not have permissions to access objects of user=admin
at me.
Is the search you're running a saved search with only his permissions to run? If you paste the details and steps you take I'd be happy to give it a proper try step by step.
well you're trying to hit the admin user endpoint there, instead of /admin/search you need to use /morschr/search. EDIT: Just tested it with my test user and hitting /test/search and it returned perfectly 🙂
Hi Team
I am getting the below error while trying to access splunk Rest API . . I am trying to login using the username and password. Is there any other access required to successfully Login .Please help on the same.
Below is the code snippet
Map<String,Object> connectionArgs=new HashMap<String,Object>();
connectionArgs.put("host", "myHost");
connectionArgs.put("username", "myUsename");
connectionArgs.put("password", "myPassword");
Service service=Service.connect(connectionArgs);
Exception in thread "main" com.splunk.HttpException: HTTP 401 -- Login failed
at com.splunk.HttpException.create(HttpException.java:84)
at com.splunk.HttpService.send(HttpService.java:452)
at com.splunk.Service.send(Service.java:1293)
at com.splunk.HttpService.post(HttpService.java:308)
Hi @Subarna
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This question was posted 10 years ago and might not get the attention you need for your own question to be answered. I suggest you please post a brand new question so your issue can get more visibility. To increase your chances of getting help from the community,(Please feel free to link to this answer in your question, but try to describe the issue clearly yourself, in case there are any details that might matter that were different for you from this prior post.) follow these guidelines in the Splunk Answers User Manual when creating your post.
I only know enough to confirm that it's a complex topic. See Accessing Splunk resources in the REST API Reference for more information about the particulars. You might need to have admin permissions to get the results you want. Other (more knowledgable!) people might have a better answer for you.
Thanks for this. What bothers me is that all the examples use an admin user... which is an issue for me since I am not an admin, and shouldn't really need to be.
Hopefully someone else will shed some light on this.