In my windows environment, Universal Forwarder 6.1.7 is installed.
When monitoring processes, I noticed that Splunk - MonitorNoHandle.exe is using a high CPU.
I am sorry for asking a vague question, but what is this process doing?
Is there a way to reduce the CPU usage of this process?
Any information would be appreciated.
Hi yutaka1005,
I had similar problems with this version of Universal Forwarder and I solved it upgrading UF version to the last one possible (UF version should be less or equal to Splunk Enterprise version but it runs also with greater versions! ).
Every way it's a component of Splunk Enterprise Universal Forwarder for Windows used to monitor Windows services, you can find some additional information at and at
Hi yutaka1005,
I had similar problems with this version of Universal Forwarder and I solved it upgrading UF version to the last one possible (UF version should be less or equal to Splunk Enterprise version but it runs also with greater versions! ).
Every way it's a component of Splunk Enterprise Universal Forwarder for Windows used to monitor Windows services, you can find some additional information at and at
Thank you for answering.
I could understand about Splunk-MonitorNoHandle.exe because of below URL.
But I still do not know why this process is occupying the CPU. Having been fixed by upgrading, is this problem a known issue?
Can not be avoided by changing the setting value?
It would be greatly appreciated if anyone tells me any suggestions or information.
Hi yutaka1005,
For my knowledge it's not possible avoid this behavior by changing the setting value, the only way to be sure is to ask to the Splunk Support.
Every way, after upgrading I didn't have the problem since six months.
Hi Giuseppe.
I will consider updating Splunk.
Splunk-MonotorNoHandle.exe is a modular input. It is designed to monitor live IO writes to files without opening a Windows File Handle.
It can be configured by adding a stanza to etc\local\inputs.conf. If it has not been configured, it will by default, start-up and run it's introspection every 60 seconds.
It can be disabled complete (i.e. never run) by setting its default stanza with the following keys:
run_introspection = false
disabled = true