We have a server where we have universal forwarder, and I am planning to install a splunk enterprise version so that i can use it as a deployment server. Can I do this? If so what are the things I have to taken care of?
1) What are the ports that I have to change?
2) Should I do any capacity planning for the same?
3) What are the things I have to keep in mind, before/while proceeding into this
Please do help!!
It is unusual to use a universal forwarder machine as a deployment server and not recommended, but technically possible.
The only port you need to change is the management port (default: 8089). The UF does not bind to any other ports.
Depending on the number of deployment clients you want to manage with your DS, you will have to think about capacity, yes.
Other than that, it really is just two separate Splunk instances (1 UF, 1 Splunk Enterprise) and they can co-exist.
I still probably would not recommend doing it, but instead have a separate instance for the DS or share with a License Master or Search Head Cluster Deployer, if you can.
Hi Guys, thanks for the response. One final question, what changes has to be done on the forwarder side to make it as a deploymnet client?
Hi @Tejkumar451,
as you can read at https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/9.1.1/Updating/Configuredeploymentclients , you have to run a CLI command:
splunk set deploy-poll <IP_address/hostname>:<management_port>
or manually modify the file deploymentclient.conf to address your Deployment Server.
My hint is to create an Add-On, called e.g. TA_Forwarders, containing at least two files:
in this way you can dinamically manage eventual change of DS.
Configure deploymentclient.conf with the appropriate config
HI Tejkumar451,
if you have a Splunk Enterprise instance that has the role of Deployment Server, you don't need of another instance of Universal Forwarder.
You can configure your Splunk Enterprise AS Heavy Forwarder (forward all events to Indexers9 and use it both to forwarder events to Indexers and to manage the other Forwarders.
I usually use to configure my Deployment Server to send its logs to indexers.
It is unusual to use a universal forwarder machine as a deployment server and not recommended, but technically possible.
The only port you need to change is the management port (default: 8089). The UF does not bind to any other ports.
Depending on the number of deployment clients you want to manage with your DS, you will have to think about capacity, yes.
Other than that, it really is just two separate Splunk instances (1 UF, 1 Splunk Enterprise) and they can co-exist.
I still probably would not recommend doing it, but instead have a separate instance for the DS or share with a License Master or Search Head Cluster Deployer, if you can.
Just to add on it, I am planning to add almost 100 deployment clients, and the main change that I would be doing is changing the outputs.conf for once. And I can disable all of those deployment clients, as there wont be much changes further.
Also, is it advisable to replace the universal forwarder with Heavy forwarder and that way I can use it both as a deployment server and forwarder. The data ingestion through this forwarder is very minimum.
Hey @Tejkumar451, check out this post with the same question. https://answers.splunk.com/answers/471936/install-both-universal-forwarder-and-splunk-enterp.html
You can also check out this diagram of network ports: https://answers.splunk.com/answers/118859/diagram-of-splunk-common-network-ports.html
And this documentation explains how to plan your deployment: http://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/6.6.2/Updating/Planadeployment Please note that it does say this: "Because of high CPU and memory usage during app downloads, it is recommended that the deployment server instance reside on a dedicated machine."
Thanks for the response!! I will check those links