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Use of Timewrap command to control the time range


Hi, I am trying to plat a graph of response time over a period of time. I am using timewrap command to plot it for yesterday, day before yesterday and last week.
The problem is I only want it for a certain period of time on the day. For Example between 12:00 PM to 10:00 PM (peak hours).
I am snapping the time in the search itself like this earliest=-7d@d+3h latest=@d but is not working. Please see the graph - on the x-axis it is still plotting from 12:00 AM but what i want is from 12:00 PM.

earliest=-7d@d+3h latest=@d

Any help is appreciated.alt text

0 Karma

Ultra Champion
your search
| where relative_time(now(),"-8d@d+12h") <= _time

earliest=-8d@d+3h is 03:00 AM, but timechart starts at 00:00 AM.
I don't know why.

Why not limit the display period?

0 Karma


Please share the spl queries you've attempted

0 Karma


@jkat54 This is the query -
index=tp_test sourcetype=access_combined_wcookie earliest=-8d@d+3h latest=@d
| timechart span=15m avg(response_time_sec) as AvgResponseTime
| timewrap d
| fields _time,AvgResponseTime_latest_day,AvgResponseTime_1day_before,AvgResponseTime_7days_before

0 Karma


I think you need a number in front of the units:

| timewrap 1d

0 Karma


I dont think that matters. The problem is I want to compare the results from 12:00 PM to 10:00 PM.
Right now it's coming for full day which i don't want.
I think this is what needs to be modified : earliest=-8d@d+3h latest=@d

0 Karma


timewrap 10h

12p -10p is 10 hours

drop earliest and latest from your search and update timewrap to 10h

0 Karma
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