I have the following query and i would like to preserve the extraction and not calling this extraction each time on a search
... | rex field=TotalCabinets "(?<DescriptionTotal>.*):(?<TotalCabinetsNbr>.*)" | table ...
How do i preserve "save" this extraction without calling it each time on my query, what is the translation of this query on Interactive field extraction or on props.conf?
Assuming you have single-line events;
EXTRACT-blah = (?m)Total\sCabinets:(?<TotalCabinetsNbr>\d+)
ought to work. If it doesn't, please post some sample events.
Note: Edited for multiline logs and the extra space.
In my example below you see that the field is extracted straight from the event text. Not based off an extracted field.
Assuming you have single-line events;
EXTRACT-blah = (?m)Total\sCabinets:(?<TotalCabinetsNbr>\d+)
ought to work. If it doesn't, please post some sample events.
Note: Edited for multiline logs and the extra space.
Apart from the edited regex above, you could also try (if TotalCabinets is already extracted).
EXTRACT-blah = some_regex in source_field
Haven't really played with that, but I assume that all 'in source_field' extractions take place after those that work on _raw
. See the EXTRACT section of the props.conf docs.
Here is an example event:
Date = "20-Aug-2013 08:32:10 -0400"
From = "Roy Imad roy.imad@company.com"
To = "Roy Imad roy.imad@company.com"
Subject = "FW: [POSMonitor R1.5.1.0] DCPMonitor Inspection Summary"
mailbox = "splunk"
size = 12691
____________________ Message Body ____________________
DCPMonitor REPORT - Tue, Aug 20, 2013 at 00:00
Total Cabinets: 152, Offline Cabinets: 6
XPOS10027 - St ZZZZZZ Hospital of XXXXX - Cath Lab - Cath Room
There are space between Total and Cabinets ,
can i use EXTRACT-blah = "Total Cabinets:"(?<TotalCabinetsNbr>\d+) ?
I'm not sure if you can extract information from another field if you extract that first field in the same props.conf file. Is that the case here?
I need 293 the value wich is TotalCabinetNbr
TotalCabinets is already extracted and exist, I need to extract TotalCabinetNbr
TotalCabinets is like "Total Cabinets:293" and i need
Whcih is the field you want TotalCabinets or TotalCabinetsNbr?