I would like to translate my windows event log custom query to splunk search syntax.
<Query Id="0" Path="Security">
<Select Path="Security">
*[EventData[Data[@Name='TargetUserName'] = 'ztm31029']] and *[System[(EventID='4624')]]
<Select Path="Security">
*[EventData[Data[@Name='IpAddress'] = '']] and *[System[(EventID='4624')]]
The three important fields to searh are IpAddress, EventID and TargetUserName under security events.
If you are using the Splunk_TA_windows
then the fields are called host
, EventCode
, src
, user
, Security_ID
, and ComputerName
This depends if you have the Splunk Add-on for Windows installed for extractions and calculations of the fields or not.
If yes, IpAddress should match calculated field src_ip, EventID would be EventCode, TargettUserName should be user
So you'll have a search like:
index=<index_with_windows_events> EventCode=4624 (src_ip= OR user=ztm31029)
If not, we would need to see how the RAW data looks in Splunk to do the proper extractions and calculations, or just match to a regular expression.
Can you give a brief description of what the search needs to do? For example, are you looking for where TargetUserName='ztm31029' AND IPAddress='' AND EventID=4624? Or is it an OR on the user and ip?
It's an AND
Hi jarves,
ingest your Windows logs and see the exacts fields names.
Remeber that by default you haven't the extraction of all fields, you have to install the TA_Windows ( https://splunkbase.splunk.com/app/742/ ) or manually extract using regexes.
Than you can create your own search:
index=wineventlog sourcetype=wineventlog:Security IpAddress=my_ip EventICode=xxxx Account_Name=xxxxx
| ...
The IpAddress is the IP from where the user did the user authenticated from.
I tried that syntax but no results.
Hi jarves,
run index=wineventlog
(the index where your Windows EventLogs are stored), so you can see if there are all the fields extractions.
If you already have fields, use in search the ones corrisponding to your fields (remember that fields names are case sensitive), if not you have two choices:
I suggest to use the first one.
When you have the field extraction, you can build your search using the correct fields, but the first step is extract them.
Hi @gcusello Where should TA_Windows be installed?
Windows TA is usually installed on Universal Forwarder to ingest windows data, but can also be installed on Search Heads to use all the eventtypes and fields extraction.