Getting Data In

There was an error retrieving the configuration, can not process this page. After upgrade to Splunk6


I upgraded a Windows 2008 R2 instance of Splunk 5.05 to Splunk 6 over the weekend. Prior to that I had been working on getting the AD application up and running along with setting up the AD Monitoring Data Input.

After the update, when I go to edit Data Inputs, I am confronted with the following error message on a red background

"There was an error retrieving the configuration, can not process this page."

This is only happening on some Data Input management/settings pages. It does not happen on the Files and Directories management page but does on AD monitioring, Registry monitoring, etc,...

Cheers and thanks in advance.

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Path Finder

I'm running on Splunk 6.3.1 with DB Connect version 1.1.6, and DB Connect v2 version 2.1.0. Having the same issues you describe here. Did you ever find an answer to your question?

0 Karma

New Member

I am seeing the same issue when trying to get into all my management consoles. We are running our splunk instances on Red Hat. Here is an example, I went into access control, I click on Authentication Method and it sends me to the settings page. When I click on "configure Splunk to use LDAP and Map Groups" I get the same error.
This was a fresh install on new servers started with Splunk 6.0, everything worked fine. we upgraded to Splunk 6.01 - everything worked fine again. Recently I upgraded our Splunk instances to Splunk 6.0.2 and that is when we started having the issues.
Yes other management pages do the same thing. I can't get into several different ones. This is happening only on my two search heads - we are running search head pooling on NFS. Oddly enough same process on my cluster master and 3 index peers - all work fine.

0 Karma

Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

Issue is resolved with dbx app version 1.1.1 using Splunk 6.0


DB connect, plus I've created a custom app with a series of Filemonitors, SQL queries etc. All of my input.conf config's are stored within the custom app so i can create a backup of it.

0 Karma


I get the same error message after upgrading to Splunk 6 and trying to go into 'remote event log collections' and 'remote performance monitoring' from the Data Inputs screen.

Strangely enough though, if I click Add Data I can create new inputs, and it seems to still acknowledge the existing Event Logs and Perfmon entries.

0 Karma


What other apps are you guys running? I do not seem to have this issue at home where I am running a stripped down applicationless free licensed version. It is only at work on the Windows instance (as far as I know, no squawks from the Linux guys).

0 Karma


That is what works for me too. Thus the differing URLs I posted. While we are all feeling the pain, I am glad this is not an isolated incident.

0 Karma

New Member

sigh. I've got a similar issue and am still looking for a solution. I'm now under the distinct impression that the 6.0 release wasn't ready.

0 Karma

Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

Please cut/paste the contents of the following files - $SPLUNK_HOME\etc\apps\launcher\local\admon.conf and $SPLUNK_HOME\etc\apps\launcher\local\regmon-filters.conf and $SPLUNK_HOME\etc\apps\launcher\local\inputs.conf.

0 Karma


Somehow, using this URL

I am able to get to the data inputs for Active Directory
Using this link,
which is the one arrived at going through the menu from the start page, brings the error up

0 Karma


$SPLUNK_HOMEetcappslauncherlocaladmon.conf -- no file of that name$SPLUNK_HOMEetcappslauncherlocalregmon-filters.conf -- no file of that name$SPLUNK_HOMEetcappslauncherlocalinputs.conf. -- as follows[splunktcp://9997][monitor://E:SplunketcappsSplunk_TA_windowsdefaultinputs.conf]
disabled = false
followTail = 0
sourcetype = config_fileI will throw this in additionally.

0 Karma
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