Getting Data In

Splunk db connect onboarding data

Path Finder

Hello Everyone,

Recently I have installed Splunk db connect app (3.16.0) in my Splunk heavy forwarder (9.1.1). As per the documentation I have installed jre and installed the my sql add on. And created Identities, connections and inputs. But when I check for the data it is not getting ingested. So I enabled the debug mode and checked the logs and got the hec token error. But the hec token is configured in inputs.conf file and same I could see in the Splunk web gui under Data inputs -> HTTP event collector.

could you please help if anyone faced this error before?


ERROR org.easybatch.core.job.BatchJob - Unable to write records There are no Http Event Collectors available at this time.

ERROR c.s.d.s.dbinput.recordwriter.CheckpointUpdater - action=skip_checkpoint_update_batch_writing_failed There are no Http Event Collectors available at this time.


ERROR c.s.d.s.task.listeners.RecordWriterMetricsListener - action=unable_to_write_batch There are no Http Event Collectors available at this time.

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It sounds like some sort of setting related to connection issue:

A few thinsg to check:

Is there a firewall between your DB connect server and the HEC server?

Ensure the port(s) are availble

Ensure on Splunk HEC server, you have global settings enabled:

Click Settings > Data Inputs.
Click HTTP Event Collector.
Click Global Settings.
In the All Tokens toggle button, select Enabled.

Some other aspects to check and troubleshoot:

#Check if the Hec collector is healthy

curl -k -X GET -u admin:mypassword https://MY_Splunk_HEC_SERVER:8088/services/collector/health/1.0

#Check if HEC stanzas with config are configured

/opt/splunk/bin/splunk http-event-collector list -uri https://MY_Splunk_HEC_SERVER:8089

#Check the settings using btool

/opt/splunk/bin/splunk cmd btool inputs list --debug http
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