Hi, I try to listen local network adapter and localhost traffic. For that I am using splunk stream on windows 10 machine. But I noticed splunk stream doesn’t capture traffic localhost and network adapters same time. Is there a any bug ? Or that’s normal ?
My main purpose is listen TDS traffics. If I write adapters names one by one is that works.
For example in streamfwd.conf
port = 8889
ipAddr =
streamfwdcapture.0.interface = \Device\NPF_{D4BEDB74-F8CD-4A72-8615-ABF1E3E8823B}
Thats work. Also that’s work.
port = 8889
ipAddr =
streamfwdcapture.0.interface = \Device\NPF_Loopback
But that doesn’t work.
port = 8889
ipAddr =
streamfwdcapture.0.interface = \Device\NPF_{D4BEDB74-F8CD-4A72-8615-ABF1E3E8823B}
streamfwdcapture.1.interface = \Device\NPF_Loopback
How can I fix this. I have to listen all interfaces.