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Splunk - How to convert Logs to Metrics (SQL Add on)?



I am trying to get SQL Performance monitoring logs into our environment for one of our ITSI use cases

The event successfully comes into our event index however I would like to convert these performance monitoring sql logs into metrics as it will work much better with ITSI 

I am struggling to convert the logs into metrics and am using the following documentation to help me do so -


Here are my props and transforms conf files for 1 of the sql perfmon inputs




TRANSFORMS-field_value = field_extraction
TRANSFORMS-sqlphysicaldiskmetrics = eval_sqlphysicaldiskcounter
METRIC-SCHEMA-TRANSFORMS = metric-schema:extract_sqlphysicaldisk






INGEST_EVAL = metric_name=counter





My SQL index where i would like these logs to go into does not have the "datatype=metrics" setting as i thought this should convert the events into metrics regardless, also i changed this setting so that the datatype = metrics but this removed all the data entirely and no data was populated into the sql index 

I can still see the event data populating in the SQL index but it cannot be searched using the metrics commands (mstats, mcatalog etc) 

Note - There are 8 counter field values which i would like to convert individually into metrics hence why i set the metric_name = counter. I did not break it down individually into separate settings under the transforms.conf due to there being spaces in the field values



Any idea why this is failing and how i can fix this? Any help would be greatly appreciated! 

Any questions please ask! 




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