I've made a script in PowerShell which utilizes the REST API input that I have. This script is for downloading extremely large amounts of data from Splunk.
The problem that I am having is that Invoke-WebRequest is timing out and I cannot get the query to complete. The query stays connected for ~5minutes and times out.
Thanks for the response but the solution is not working. Folks had the same results in this thread:
Thanks for a response but this is still not working. Folks have the same results in this thread:
Any other thoughts?
@pmccomb001 Set this in your powershell profile, or run beforehand:
[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::MaxServicePointIdleTime = 5000000
Then when you run Invoke-WebRequest make sure you have the TimeoutSec parameter set to zero:
Invoke-WebRequest therestofyourcommand -TimeoutSec 0
Thanks for the response but this is still not working. Folks had the same issue in this thread:
Any other thoughts/ideas?