Getting Data In

SmartStore configuration


Hello All. I’m testing a SmartStore index with the configuration below. I’m getting errors from S3Client “no address associated with hostname” and CacheManger “unable to check if receipt exists at path=xxxxx” and “network error”. In the MC, for SmartStore it just says OFFLINE.
Does anyone have an idea which part of my configuration is the issue?
Note: a test has been done to upload data to the bucket using the secret and access key provided

storageType = remote
path = s3://<bucket_name>/
remote.s3.endpoint =
remote.s3.access_key = <access_key>
remote.s3.secret_key = <secret_key>

remotePath = volume:s3/smartstore_index
maxGlobalDataSizeMB = number
frozenTimePeriodInSecs = number
reFactor = auto
homePath = volume:primary/smartstore_index/db
coldPath = volume:secondary/smartstore_index/colddb
homePath = $SPLUNK_DB/smartstore_index/thaweddb

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