I tried following a simple cURL request based on the training video and I get no results.
I run my search:
curl -u id:password -k https://server:port/services/search/jobs -d search="search index=windows user=mylogin"
I get back a SID then search the SID for being complete.
curl -u id:password -k https://server:port/services/search/jobs/SID
see that it isDone = 1 then I l try to look at the results:
curl -u id:password -k https://server:port/services/search/jobs/SID/results
get nothing back?
when I execute the same in C# using a web client I get a method not allowed.
you need to add --get -d outputmode=csv (json,xml) etc
curl -k -u id:password https://server:port/services/search/jobs/SID/results --get -d "outputmode=csv" > save to file or as required.
Did you try with HTTP POST method ?
curl -k -X POST -u id:password https://server:port/services/search/jobs/SID
Even I am facing the same issue, Is it resolved? I didnt get the desiredoutput when I tried this HTTP Post method. And I am also looking for resultCount value.