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Sending Opentelemetry collector logs to Splunk


Hello team, I want to forward Opentelemetry collector logs to Splunk. I'm not referring to sending application logs to Splunk using Splunk HEC exporter. When you have logging exporter configured on your collector, your terminal shows collector logs such as


2021-08-09T12:55:28.110Z	info	healthcheck/handler.go:128	Health Check state change	{"component_kind": "extension", "component_type": "health_check", "component_name": "health_check", "status": "ready"}
2021-08-09T12:55:28.110Z	info	service/service.go:267	Everything is ready. Begin running and processing data.


when the collector is ready or


2021-08-09T12:55:33.511Z	info	exporterhelper/queued_retry.go:276	Exporting failed. Will retry the request after interval.	{"component_kind": "exporter", "component_type": "otlp", "component_name": "otlp", "error": "failed to push log data via OTLP exporter: rpc error: code = DeadlineExceeded desc = context deadline exceeded", "interval": "4.121551979s"}


when the collector fails to export data.

I want to send these collector logs to Splunk. Is there a way to configure the Splunk HEC exporter to capture these collector logs and send it to Splunk?

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Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

Hello! You will need to use the Splunk HEC exporter for this purpose:

Senior Engineering Manager, Blockchain and DLT
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