I have available json as following
"Foo1": {
"Bar1": {
"Key1": "Value1",
"Key2": "Value2",
"KeyN": "ValueN"
"FooN": {
"BarN": {
"Key1": "Value1",
"Key2": "Value2",
"KeyN": "ValueN"
If I run this through spath , I get fields like Foo1.Bar1.Key1 with their values.
How can I split that field name on '.' to extract individual Fields like
- new field 'F' will have value from Foo1 ... FooN
- new field 'B' will have value from Bar1 ... BarN
- new fields 'Key1' ... 'KeyN' will have values from 'Value1' ... 'ValueN'
This isn't pretty, I'm not sure where you're trying to go with this, and I'm not sure if this is what you had in mind, but...
| stats count | fields - count | eval _raw = "{\"Foo1\": {\"Bar1\": {\"Key1\": \"Value1a\", \"Key2\": \"Value2a\", \"KeyN\": \"ValueNa\"}}, \"FooN\": {\"BarN\": {\"Key1\": \"Value1b\", \"Key2\": \"Value2b\", \"KeyN\": \"ValueNb\"}}}"
| spath | foreach *.*.*
[ eval F = mvappend(F, "<<MATCHSEG1>>")
| eval B = mvappend(B, "<<MATCHSEG2>>")
| eval <<MATCHSEG3>> = mvappend('<<MATCHSEG3>>', '<<FIELD>>')]
| eval F = mvdedup(F) | eval B = mvdedup(B) | table F B Key*
yields this:
F B Key1 Key2 KeyN
Foo1 Bar1 Value1a Value2a ValueNa
FooN BarN Value1b Value2b ValueNb