I got to extract some fields of a JSON log.
Log buildup eksample:
The problem is that I got several loglines that all is called "cookie" but have different values, and I need to extract a mulitvalue field "cookie" with all the different values as a multivalue field.
But not every logentry is like this, some is just one "cookie" entry.
This is the regex string I'v used, but then the value of the "cookie" field only contains the first cookie record from the log.
| rex field=_raw "\Sname\S{3}cookie\S{3}\w{5}\S{3}(?<h2_cookie>[\w\=\-\+\.\&\;\s]*)"
| rex field=_raw max_match=0 "\Sname\S{3}cookie\S{3}\w{5}\S{3}(?<h2_cookie>[\w\=\-\+\.\&\;\s]*)"
| rex field=_raw max_match=0 "\Sname\S{3}cookie\S{3}\w{5}\S{3}(?<h2_cookie>[\w\=\-\+\.\&\;\s]*)"
Thank you,
max_match did it.