Hello Splunkers!!
During the testing phase with demo data, the timestamps are matching accurately. However, in real-time data ingestion, there seems to be a mismatch in the timestamps. This indicates a potential discrepancy in the timestamp parsing or configuration when handling live data. Could you please suggest me potential reson and cause? Additionally, it would be helpful to review the relevant props.conf configurations to ensure consistency
Sample data:
{"@timestamp":"2024-11-19T12:53:16.5310804+00:00","event":{"action":"log","code":"10010","kind":"event","original":"Communication session on line {1:d}, lost.","context":{"parameter1":"12","parameter2":"2","parameter3":"6","parameter4":"0","physical_line":"12","connected_unit_type_code":"2","connect_logical_unit_number":"6","description":"A User Event message will be generated each time a communication link is lost. This message can be used to detect that an external unit no longer is connected.\nPossible Unit Type codes:\n2 Debug line\n3 ACI line\n4 CWay line","severity":"Info","vehicle_index":"0","unit_type":"NT8000","location":"0","physical_module_id":"0","event_type":"UserEvent","software_module_id":"26"}},"service":{"address":"localhost:50005","name":"Eventlog"},"agent":{"name":"ACI.SystemManager","type":"ACI SystemManager Collector","version":""},"project":{"id":"fleet_move_af_sim"},"ecs.version":"8.1.0"}
Current props:
LINE_BREAKER = ([\r\n]+)
category = Custom
#KV_MODE = json
pulldown_type = 1
TIME_PREFIX = \"@timestamp\":\"
TIME_FORMAT = %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%7N%:z
mismatch timestamp Current results :
Note : I am using http event collector token to get the data into Splunk. Inputs and props settings are arranged under search app.
The /raw endpoint should not need the ?auto_extract_timestamp=true parameter.