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REST API twitter returns messages 420: Enhance your calm

New Member

Hi all,

We have RET API for a long time in our Splunk enviroment, but since last month of May, we are experiencing some troubles.
Currently we have 12 different REST connections to twitter, with different AUTH codes and they seem to work fine (actually we receive data), but sin last month of may we are receiving lots of answers "420: Enhance your calm".
We understand it is a problem with the limitations on Twitter API, but we don't know if it is possible to configure all this REST calls serialized. The idea is to launch one call at a time, wait enough time to avoid limits and launch the next one. Is there any way to configure the application to work like this?

Thank you all for your help!

0 Karma

Ultra Champion

Is the AUTH code you mention a URL parameter by chance ?

If so , you could use tokens in the URL to read in a list of Auth Codes , which could then spawn of (n) requests in serial with whatever stagger time you require for throttling your API usage.

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alt text

0 Karma


Hi daxacom,

I had the same issue when there were old python process around - after a Splunk restart for example. So, you end up having multiple scripts using the same AUTH codes and therefor hit the limit. Usually the kill of the rouge process fixed the issue.

I don't know if there is any serialisation option for the REST TA, summon @damien dallimore

Hope this helps ...

cheers, MuS

0 Karma

New Member

Thank you so much for your answer!

In our case we have tried even rebooting the whole server, but we end up always with same result, after a few minutes: "420 ENHANCE your calm".
Currently we have configured a different AUTH code for each REST configuration. Unfortunately with no positive result.
Let's see if Mr @damien dallimore or anyone else have some other options

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