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REST API - Search targetResources from Azure Audit via Java SDK

Loves-to-Learn Lots

I am trying to query audit logs from Splunk. The logs are for azure but when I hit the below query, it only returns the text fields and not the object or array fields like initiatedBy and targetResources. Do I need to query this data in a different manner?


index="directoryaudit" | fields id activityDisplayName result operationType correlationId initiatedBy resultReason targetResources category loggedByService activityDateTime

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Hi @swaprks,

If you're relying on automatic field-extraction, i.e. KV_MODE = auto and AUTO_KV_JSON = true or KV_MODE = json or INDEXED_EXTRACTIONS = JSON, only the nested fields are extracted, e.g.:

Arrays are extracted as multi-valued fields, e.g.:

Included Updated Properties

Automatic extraction of arrays of objects with array fields can also be confusing.

To return the native JSON directly, extract the fields as part of your search:

| eval json=json(_raw), initiatedBy=json_extract(json, "initiatedBy"), targetResources=json_extract(json, "targetResources")
| fields id activityDisplayName result operationType correlationId initiatedBy resultReason targetResources category loggedByService activityDateTime


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