we use Splunk 4.1.7 and we would like to import once every night a file with the following content:
19702800; 2;00; 5377; 0; 0; 0; 0;002/00; 5; 1158; 0; 8;001401; 22727; 11; 272042
19706400; 2;00; 2924; 0; 0; 0; 0;002/00; 4; 1158; 0; 8;001401; 12123; 12; 425960
19710000; 2;00; 1163; 0; 0; 0; 0;002/00; 1; 1158; 0; 8;001401; 4953; 12; 487065
The file is about 3MB big.
We want each line to be indexed in Splunk as a single event.
For that purpose i wrote the following entry in our props.conf:
KV_MODE = none
sourcetype = mysourcetypename
Despite this props.conf the first 258 lines of the file will always get imported as a big multiline event, before with line 259 Splunk starts to import each line as single events.
I can´t find any problems within the datafile, so what is causing this behaviour and how can we get Splunk to break each line into a single event?
Thank you in advance,
with kind regards, Thomas Paulsen
My inputs.conf looks like this:
disabled = false
host = splunk-a
index = idx_mystatistik
crcSalt = <SOURCE>
sourcetype = mysourcetypename
If i don´t have the crcSalt stanza and the props.conf defintion, then everything gets imported as one single big chunky multilineevent.
What happens if you put the 'sourcetype=mysourcetypename' in your inputs.conf under the appropriate monitor stanzas?
What happens if you disable the '[mysourcetype]' stanza?